It's spring break here in the lovely life of Lauren, and I've been in Houston with the lovely Adam family. I have had a stinking blast, relaxing pool-side in the sun everyday, attending the Houston rodeo, Houston Rockets game, Houston malls, and an insane concert by the handsome mister Keith Urban. (pictures to come soon, I swear.) Not to mention bareeelyy hanging in there with week number 2 of not talking to Brandon. One more week to go, ladies and gents.
During this spring break I've really gotten to catch up on some long needed reading time. And man oh man has it been great. I just finished "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller. And I'm inspired as any one can be in one dosage. I recommend this read to EVERY ONE. It's incredible, and you might catch me occasionally pulling some interesting excerpts from the book. You know, just to share.

Anyways, here are some other books that I picked up from Lifeway this week. The lovely Brittany Williams (Brandon's sister) recommended two of them to me, and I'm really really pumped about diving into them. I feel like a total bookworm right now but whatever.
Dr. Seuss once said, "The more that you read the more you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
Way to go Dr. Seuss. Check out my reads:
- "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller
- "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.
- "A Love Worth Giving" by Max Lucado
"A Love Worth Giving" was given to me out of love by my little friend Lindsay Adam. :) As I come across some beautiful things out of these bad boys, I promise you I will share them with you.
I've promised myself this week that I'm going to be better about blogging. Not neccessarily for my readers, if I even have any, haha... but for myself. It really is a good thing to share what's on my heart because sometimes if you don't share these life experiences it's so very easy to just forget about them, and no one wants to live their life in a constant state of forgetfulness. Trust me, forgetting is what I'm known for best. So here I go, turning over a new leaf. I'd love for you to accompany me on this lovely journey. Thanks for reading.

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