Sunday, September 27, 2009
I was Here.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Forgive Me.
- I rarely wanted to get up for class
- When I did go to class, I slept through it. Most of the time.
- I scrambled to study for tests at 2am before the test in 7 hours.
- My eating habits were terrible. Whataburger at 4 am? Really, Lauren.
- My gosh don't even get me started on my unneccessary expendatures. (actually they weren't THAT bad)
- Ask me if I even undrestood or enjyed the material I was "supposed" to be learning. NO
Normally, and my parents will agree with this, I would try and blame something or someone for the fact that I simply, SUCKED as a student. Haha.
I'd still like to blame it on a bunch of things. But I won't. I'd just simply like to say, that I had no clue, how to be a college student. High school did NOT prepare me at all. I never knew how to really study in high school, I mean come on... It's friggin high school.
Stop me, I'm rambling.
Anyways, now that I've spent 20 minutes prefacing what I've really wanted to get at. Here goes: This year, I shook my dad's hand the day before he left Texas, and I promised him, Dad.. I'm gunna bring home straight A's. Well let me just tell you, it has NOT been easy so far. But I am determined to do it! Mind you, I don't do a lot of things these days for the gratfication and acceptance of other human beings. (I've learned that lesson) But I do want to make my family proud. But most importantly, I want to make my God proud.
He's the reason my little tail end is in Belton, Texas anyways. :)
I've grown up. And I have realized this much.
- If you want to be successful, then you actually have to make an effort
- If you want to do good on your tests, then HELLO... study for them.
- If you want to beat the freshman 15, and kick the recession in the butt at the same time, then be a good steward of the money God has so lovingly given to you, and spend it on...wait for it.. HEALTHY FOOD.
- It's amazing the rollover effect too. Because I'm doing all of the above, fancy this: I am pretty darn stress free. And it feels incredible.
I love learning. And I love sharing what I have learned even more, so prepare yourselves for a different type of blogging this time around. Because I'm gunna do a lot of talking about my lectures. I hope you're up for it. I promise, it's good stuff. :)
Until tomorrow, or so.

Pinwheels for Peace - The Art of Peace Festival Belton Texas
Monday, September 21, 2009
Art of Peace Festival

It was an amzing experience altogether... The music was great, hilarious folk music to be more precise. And the poetry that was read was beautiful. (I will share some later)
My favorite part of the festival would have to be the beautiful Pinwheels for Peace. My art professor decided to make it a requirement in most of her art classes for students to paint, or collage a square piece of cardstock to be made into a pinwheel. The pinwheels were to be assembled and put in front of the campus library. And then some were going to be sold at the Festival, and all proceeds went to CAC-CT.

Saturday, September 12, 2009
New Semester.

SO. New part of my life means.... NEW BLOG. I'm stoked, and I hope you guys are too...
Inspiration, come and find me. :)