- I rarely wanted to get up for class
- When I did go to class, I slept through it. Most of the time.
- I scrambled to study for tests at 2am before the test in 7 hours.
- My eating habits were terrible. Whataburger at 4 am? Really, Lauren.
- My gosh don't even get me started on my unneccessary expendatures. (actually they weren't THAT bad)
- Ask me if I even undrestood or enjyed the material I was "supposed" to be learning. NO
Normally, and my parents will agree with this, I would try and blame something or someone for the fact that I simply, SUCKED as a student. Haha.
I'd still like to blame it on a bunch of things. But I won't. I'd just simply like to say, that I had no clue, how to be a college student. High school did NOT prepare me at all. I never knew how to really study in high school, I mean come on... It's friggin high school.
Stop me, I'm rambling.
Anyways, now that I've spent 20 minutes prefacing what I've really wanted to get at. Here goes: This year, I shook my dad's hand the day before he left Texas, and I promised him, Dad.. I'm gunna bring home straight A's. Well let me just tell you, it has NOT been easy so far. But I am determined to do it! Mind you, I don't do a lot of things these days for the gratfication and acceptance of other human beings. (I've learned that lesson) But I do want to make my family proud. But most importantly, I want to make my God proud.
He's the reason my little tail end is in Belton, Texas anyways. :)
I've grown up. And I have realized this much.
- If you want to be successful, then you actually have to make an effort
- If you want to do good on your tests, then HELLO... study for them.
- If you want to beat the freshman 15, and kick the recession in the butt at the same time, then be a good steward of the money God has so lovingly given to you, and spend it on...wait for it.. HEALTHY FOOD.
- It's amazing the rollover effect too. Because I'm doing all of the above, fancy this: I am pretty darn stress free. And it feels incredible.
I love learning. And I love sharing what I have learned even more, so prepare yourselves for a different type of blogging this time around. Because I'm gunna do a lot of talking about my lectures. I hope you're up for it. I promise, it's good stuff. :)
Until tomorrow, or so.

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