So yesterday I spent my lovely Sunday afternoon, and evening to be exact, volunteering at the Art of Peace Festival in Belton. One of my art professors at UMHB was the coordinator of the festival, so I came to help her out as well as enjoy all of the different types of art.
The festival was held in order to raise money and awareness for the Children's Advocacy Center of Central Texas. CAC-CT is an organization that provides comprehensive services which protect, promote healing and enhance the quality of life for abused and neglected children in Central Texas... So I was really excited to have been a part of this fundraising opportunity, one because of my love for kids, and two because of my love for the arts.
It was an amzing experience altogether... The music was great, hilarious folk music to be more precise. And the poetry that was read was beautiful. (I will share some later)
My favorite part of the festival would have to be the beautiful Pinwheels for Peace. My art professor decided to make it a requirement in most of her art classes for students to paint, or collage a square piece of cardstock to be made into a pinwheel. The pinwheels were to be assembled and put in front of the campus library. And then some were going to be sold at the Festival, and all proceeds went to CAC-CT.

On a side note, I made a video for the library for Pinwheels for Peace, check it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tWo7cnTOFY